Friday, June 12, 2009


Today is SUNDAY, JUNE 14 (from an earlier post on Friday, June 12th.

If necessary, you may have until today (SUNDAY) to complete ALL WEEK ONE QUIZ & BIZ ESSAYS. This extension is justified by textbook access. So, don't panic if you need even a few more days next week. On Monday, June 15th we will discuss Even the Rat Was White and analyze Behaviorism as the "new science" replacing Old School philosophical psychology. Also, we will discuss aspects of Gestalt Psychology.

WEEK TWO (Introduction)

Behaviorism changed the course of "the historical psychology that aligned most with academic courses taught in the philosophy departments of colleges and universities" (Jacobs, 2009). Weiss (1928) proclaimed (paraphrased) "when the scientific mechanism is taken as a fundamental postulate of human much human achievement is made possible".

The new science of BEHAVIORISM officially began with an article by John B. Watson entitled: Psychology as the Behaviorist View It."

Stretchin the rubber band of history as far back as possible before it breaks, the Greek 'atomic theory' of Democritus (page 51) is very remotely connected. Althought "Naturalism" & "Materialism" populated the European continent, it was nothing like pure Behavorism of Watson (S-->R), Thorndike (Connectionism), & Skinner (Operant Conditioning)--the truly American version of psychology just entering its adolescent years.


QUIZ: CH 13 & CH 14

1. Summarize (1 to 2 page essays for each) the major contributions of:

Edward Thorndike (CH 13)

John B. Watson (CH 13)

Edward Tolman (CH 14)

B.F. Skinner (CH 14)

2. Which theorist from both chapters (13 & 14) appears to have the most confusing and confounding theory? Why in 1/2 page essay.


1-2 page essays per question

1. What did Wertheimer, Kohler, & Koffka bring to the 1920s philosophical "table" of psychology in the early decades of the 20th century (Refer to pages 354-360; 365). As a "Philosophical Psychology" what is Gestalt Psychology as early founders envisioned it?

2. Summarize Kurt Lewin's Field Theory.

3. Summarize the significance of Capra's 5 paradigmatic shifts (1988) from old school to new school science with relevance to Gestalt's continuing influence (see page 373).

Both BIZ & QUIZ ESSAYS are due by SATURDAY, JUNE 20th. NOON.

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